
Multiple environmental crises threaten our world, created by unsustainable practices that degrade the land, air and water and induce climate change.

Our Environment Programme aims to identify and analyse key emerging trends in environmental technologies from the perspective of sustainability. We will examine potential remedies and risks of technologies employed to combat climate change, to decrease the use of fossil fuels and promote renewable energy, and to address agricultural production and food security. These include geoengineering, smart technologies in energy, waste and transport, artificial intelligence and automation in agriculture, biotechnologies, and genetic engineering.

The programme will also foster exchanges on nuclear energy, and evaluate regulations, standards and norms in environmental and infrastructure investments.

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Web Dossier

Tech, Farming, Biodiversity

Digitalisation, genomics, climate geoengineering: What is the impact of new and emerging technologies on farming and biodiversity? Here are assessments undertaken on the occasion of the Biodiversity Convention COP 2021-22 in Kunming, China.

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