Closure of hbs Hong Kong Office

The Heinrich Böll Stiftung is closing its office in Hong Kong. This website receives no further updates, but will remain available online until a more permanent archive has been created.

The Foundation continues to engage in the region, especially through its new office in Seoul, South Korea, expected to be fully operational by mid-2024.

We thank all our readers, friends and partners for their interest, engagement and cooperation.

Hong Kong, 13 December 2023

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Nuclear Power in East Asia – Trends and Debates

This dossier takes a number of snapshots into long-term trends in nuclear energy policy and the new debates around the issue since 2022 in different countries and territories in East Asia. Authors from the region discuss whether the announcements about expansion of nuclear power made in 2022-23 have substance and imply actual policy changes, perhaps even an about-turn in energy policy. They also ask what the policies towards nuclear power imply for the development of renewable energies and thus analyse the overall direction of the energy transition towards low-emission power in Asia.

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Perspectives Asia #11: Transitions

This latest issue of Perspectives Asia showcases how partners, friends and fellow travellers of hbs in Asia look at and participate in ongoing transition processes in different fields, including digital technologies, demographic, democracy, gender and energy.

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Webinar series

Regulating AI: Debating Approaches and Perspectives from Asia and Europe

Artificial intelligence (AI) has reached a stage of maturity and extensive application across supply chains and manufacturing, in automation, public governance, media and entertainment. While industries and societies are quick in the uptake of AI to harness benefits and opportunities, many governments are catching up to develop responsible and appropriate regulatory frameworks, to prevent immense possible harm of mismanaged AI. 

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New book released

Unpacked! Plastic, Waste, & Me 拆解!塑膠、垃圾與我

專為年輕的國際讀者設計的電子書《拆解!塑膠、垃圾與我》,以彩色信息圖和六個真實故事回答了 70 個關於塑膠的問題。設計師和作家 Gesine Grotrian、Heinrich Böll Stiftung 的專家團隊,以及來自世界各地的青年顧問委員會,為 12 歲及以上的年輕人創作了一本令人興奮的非小說類書籍。

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Industry report

World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2022

#EnergyCrisis, Nuclear Renaissance? There are many plans but little implementation, long construction periods, rising costs, plus growing technical problems in existing nuclear plants. The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2022 (WNISR2022) reviews nuclear power plant data, including information on operation, production, construction, and decommissioning, and compares the development of nuclear power and renewable energy globally.

"WNISRs are vital reality checks of the nuclear industry’s performance. Every yearly report is a barrier against utopian fantasies and wishful thinking, a tool to connect with reality." -- Prof. Aviel Verbruggen

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Debating technology and politics from a green perspective - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Asia Global Dialogue

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Debating technology and politics from a green perspective

Explainer The video explains how technology is shaping our lives and explores how we can ensure its impacts are socially useful, environmentally sustainable, and politically legitimate.

In Focus
The Feasibility and Future of Japan's Climate Policy cover. jpg

The Feasibility and Future of Japan's Climate Policy

Japan has set an ambitious target of attaining carbon neutrality by 2050. However, the government seems unwilling to abandon nuclear and fossil-fuel options, alongside with prolonged recession, many view climate change as a preoccupation of the elite rather than a pressing issue. To give substance to climate policy, the climate movement needs to be galvanised, to better inform the public and challenge the ruling party to implement its promises. 
Coal Atlas (Korean)

Coal Atlas 석탄 아틀라스

The coal boom has negative consequences for humans and nature that outweigh its economic benefits. Coal does not just kill the climate. In coal mines, terrible working conditions are rife. Accidents are commonplace. The environmental and health costs linked to the use of coal to generate electricity are enormous. The atlas provides insights on how turning away from fossil (and nuclear) fuels towards renewable energy can offer huge economic and social opportunities. 
Web Dossier

Tech, Farming, Biodiversity

Digitalisation, genomics, climate geoengineering: What is the impact of new and emerging technologies on farming and biodiversity? Here are assessments undertaken on the occasion of the Biodiversity Convention COP 2021-22 in Kunming, China.

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