Digital Policy

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Digital and biological technologies have brought significant changes to human lives, economies, and politics in the 21st century. Many of these changes are driven by technological innovations in Asia.

Our Digital Policy Programme provides a platform for regional and inter-disciplinary dialogue among policymakers, civil society, and academics. Our intent is to introduce issues of ethical governance, human rights, as well as participation and transparency into debates about technology. The programme also seeks to address the question of how it can be ensured that emerging technologies work for the benefit of human society. 

Areas of interest include data protection and privacy, regulation of artificial intelligence, gendered dimensions of technology, bioethics in genetic engineering, and the engagement of digital publics.

Webinar series

Regulating AI: Debating Approaches and Perspectives from Asia and Europe

Artificial intelligence (AI) has reached a stage of maturity and extensive application across supply chains and manufacturing, in automation, public governance, media and entertainment. While industries and societies are quick in the uptake of AI to harness benefits and opportunities, many governments are catching up to develop responsible and appropriate regulatory frameworks, to prevent immense possible harm of mismanaged AI. 

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Featured Articles

Not to be Taken Lightly: Image-based Sexual Violence 不可視作等閒:影像性暴力 - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Asia Global Dialogue

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Tech and Covid-19

Global and regional perspectives on digital trends during the crisis
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Episode 1: A Conversation on Ethical and Inclusive AI

A conversation with Peter Kua, Head of Data Science at REV Media Group Malaysia and Co-founder of the Disruptive Tech Institute in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). This is part of the Peace Perspectives on AI and Emerging Technologies series produced by Nonviolence International Southeast Asia.

Episode 2: In the Service of the People? Southeast Asian Perspectives on AI

A conversation with Mitzi Austero, Programmes Manager of Nonviolence International Southeast Asia (Philippines) and Yunizar Adiputera, Professor at the Department of International Relations, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia). This is part of the Peace Perspectives on AI and Emerging Technologies series produced by Nonviolence International Southeast Asia.

Digital Challenges in Asia

Asian countries increasingly play a leading role in the development of digital technologies and their practical application for large populations, but policy-making and regulation often remains inadequate. Dev Lewis, the Program Lead of Digital Asia Hub, a think tank based in China and South East Asia, talks about major challenges faced in the region: fake news, intrusive technologies violating privacy, and a continuing digital divide that makes access for segments of the population still difficult even in rich countries. Social media platforms continue to struggle with adequate content moderation. India provides numerous examples for exciting and dynamic development of digital technologies, but shows a plethora of problems as well, including one of the longest internet shutdowns worldwide, in Kashmir. Exciting new opportunities are on the horizon, especially the growth of a creative economy encouraging broad user participation, new applications in the area of financial technology, and a growing popular awareness for the relevance of privacy protection.

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