We need a democratic debate on tech, privacy and social rights Published: 11 May 2020 Commentary Tech will not free us from coronavirus, but it can provide us with helpful tools – if we foster an open and democratic debate on how to use it. By Alexandra Geese
Europe's disinformation epidemic: Who's checking the facts? Published: 6 May 2020 Analysis Disinformation is out of control as malicious actors seek to capitalise on the Covid-19 pandemic. To date, EU schemes to tackle disinformation have focused on self regulation, but there are widespread concerns about how the EU is managing the crisis. By Jennifer Baker
Germany’s epic corona-tracing debate: a risky game with public trust Published: 6 May 2020 Analysis The debate over the data storage model of a coronavirus tracing app shows how the German government’s search for digital infection control tools became caught up between public health officials, privacy experts and the US tech industry. By Vérane Meyer
EU struggles to reconcile contact tracing with high privacy standards Published: 17 April 2020 Analysis As European countries turn to apps to contain the pandemic, the EU must weigh the public health emergency against its own data protection rules. Policymakers and experts on data protection and privacy in Brussels warn that tracing and monitoring technology can undermine fundamental rights. By Alexander Fanta
Will Big Tech emerge as the big winner in the coronacrisis? Not so fast. Published: 2 April 2020 Analysis Big technology companies are getting a break from the “techlash,” but this does not mean that the monopolists are permanently off the hook. The crisis has highlighted privacy and security concerns and well as subpar labor standards in the industry. Social media face additional scrutiny for how they deal with COVID-19 related disinformation. By Sabine Muscat