Climate Youth Council 2024 (Part 2) : A Political Participation Project by Students Based on the Climate Citizens' Assembly The "Climate Citizens' Assembly (CCA)", which served as the foundation for this project, critiqued the failures of democracy and climate policies, proposing a platform for citizens to actively participate in addressing the climate crisis. Kyung Hee University's "Climate Youth Council" allowed students to engage in legislative processes within the National Assembly, influencing climate policy. Through flipped learning and question-based learning, the assembly enhanced the students' climate crisis literacy.
Climate Youth Council 2024 (Part 3): Proposing a Carbon Neutrality Act Amendment and Conducting an Online Campaign The Climate Youth Council held a meeting with members of the National Assembly to petition for the revision of the Carbon Neutrality Act, which was the first petition case since the enactment of the law in 2021. Students experienced democracy while recognizing the stakes of the climate crisis, and continued the campaign with the social cooperative Party. Future tasks suggested include expanding openness, improving participatory design, assigning responsible authority, and reorganizing the evaluation system.