Is recycling really the answer to the plastic deluge? Plastic Atlas While the call for consumers to recycle plastic waste is loudly and widely proclaimed by governments and producers, it is only part of the solution to a crisis caused by the proliferation of plastic materials and their ability to endure. What else needs to be done? By Chermaine Lee
Newly launched Plastic Atlas Asia edition provides an Asia-focused overview of the plastic waste crisis Press Release A series of succinct articles and infographics providing an overview of the key issues behind Asia’s plastic pollution crisis.
Plastic Atlas Asia Edition Atlas The Plastic Atlas Asia Edition has the hard facts, data and figures to prove that the story of plastic that industry is telling us is a myth. pdf
Will we have a plastic-free future in Asia? Plastic Atlas This article series draws on the interviews with advocates and practitioners on plastic issues in Asia, mapping out challenges and solutions towards a plastic-free future. By Jed Alegado
Why the pandemic is fuelling Asia's plastic crisis Plastic Atlas As countries around the world scramble to contain the deadly coronavirus, detritus from disposable plastic is snowballing in Asia. Experts explain how the pandemic is exacerbating the plastic waste deluge, and what consumers and governments can do to address the situation. By Chermaine Lee
The Myth of Good Plastic Essay Plastic is a material that used to be a symbol of progress and modernity. Now it represents an industry that subordinates everything to profit, even if the world is ruined in the process. By Barbara Unmüßig
History of Plastics: Breakthrough in three letters Analysis The first plastics imitated ivory and silk and attracted just a limited market. Things took off after World War II with the rise of PVC. Cheap plastics soon conquered the world. By Alexandra Caterbow and Olga Speranskaya