"No Women - No Peace: 20th Anniversary of UNSC Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security" Dossier On 31 October 2000, the UN Security Council adopted the Landmark Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security was signed. On the occasion of its twentieth anniversary, this dossier presents women from 20 different countries involved in peace and security.
The great leveller? How Covid-19 responses could widen gender inequality in the UK Commentary The coronavirus pandemic – just like society – runs along fault lines of gender, race, class and other inequalities. With women over-represented in vulnerable frontline jobs, there are fears that technologies proposed to tackle the pandemic could inflict harms that differ based on gender. By Ella Jakubowska
The invisible coronavirus makes systemic gender inequalities and injustices visible Article COVID-19 uniquely affects women. Here are many of the ways it does. By Liane Schalatek