Disruptive Technologies: The Case of Indigenous Territories of Andhra Pradesh, India Article Sagari Ramdas shows how agribusiness use big tech and big data to fulfil their ‘sustainability goals’ from indigenous Adivasi farmers of Andhra Pradesh, India. It turns out to be a case of exploitation in the name of sustainability. By Sagari Ramdas
Pandemic Poker? Big Tech’s Gamble on the Molecular Manipulation of Life in the Asia-Pacific Region Commentary Even with unprecedented global investment and effort by some of the world’s most expert professional genetic engineers trained in the task of taming SARS-COV2, it is clear that just one virus continues to surprise and outwit humans’ best attempts to control biology and that social divisions are increasing as a consequence. Here we explore what other technologies would-be molecular manipulators are developing as part of their ongoing mission for human mastery. By ETC Group
Food for Good: Genetic Technologies Boost Output and Options Article The world is never short of food supply issues. They become headlines on economic and political pages, as when the US food price index surged 3.1-4.2% in 2021, and China urged its people to stock up on food ahead of winter. Scientists have resorted to plant-based meat, cultured meat and genetically engineered plants to mitigate food shortages. The author believes that some emergent food technologies are promising in terms of addressing the problems of feeding the poor, biodiversity, and climate change, yet there are also new challenges to be resolved. By Isaac Lam
Carbon Capture and Storage: A View from Asia Article Debates revolving around the high cost and economic viability of CCUS technology, as well as what critics call “a false solution”, have been around for years. Does CCUS deserve the bad name though? And is its potential worth the wait? By Chermaine Lee
Will digital land records stop land grabs in Indonesia? Article Indonesia has long faced the serious issue of land grabs, driving indigenous and rural communities into conflict with plantation, forestry and infrastructure developers. Could digitising land records and national geospatial information help resolve overlapping claims to land, and promote agrarian reform in Indonesia? By GRAIN
Risks from digitalisation trends in the Asia-Pacific food system Article Corporations are now using digital tools to push methods that dominate industrial food systems, such as artificial fertilisers, mechanisation, monocultures and toxic pesticides, onto remaining small-scale farming and fishing operations. Current trends in digitalisation threaten biodiversity, the wider environment and human health, yet there are few challenges to the tech industry’s hype about a ‘fourth industrial revolution’. By ETC Group
Greed meets green: High-tech elites’ ecomodern ambitions for Asia Pacific Article A range of new and disruptive technologies threatens potentially irreversible damage to our planet. The ETC Group discusses technologies and the imagined futures that underpin them. By ETC Group
False solutions prevail over real ambition at COP26 Analysis COP26 in Glasgow started with a plethora of declarations. But in the end it failed to deliver on the real and immediate action needed to avoid climate catastrophe, and to address the demand for justice and equity for those most impacted by climate harms. By Erika Lennon, Sebastien Duyck and Nikki Reisch
Not to be taken lightly: Image-based sexual violence Interview 25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The hbs has interviewed Jacey Kan from Hong Kong’s Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women (ACSVAW) to introduce its campaign in fighting against image-based sexual violence. By Jacey Kan
Aotearoa NZ's proposed mandatory climate risk disclosure legislation Article In line with its decision to commit to the Paris Agreement of limiting global warming to 1.5°C, New Zealand is working towards implementing a mandatory climate-related financial disclosure regime for certain financial institutions. Aiming to go into effect this year, NZ may be the first in the world to legislate such a climate-related financial disclosure regime. By Melanie Baker-Jones and Mark Baker-Jones