No Easy Answers on Protection of AI Data Rights, Webinar by HBS and APRU Shows Press Release On June 15, a webinar held jointly by the Hong Kong office of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung (HBS) and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), a consortium of leading research universities in 19 economies of the Pacific Rim, highlighted the complexity of data rights for citizens and users, with risks deriving from both under-regulation and over-regulation of AI applications.
Heinrich Böll Stiftung and APRU Discuss Risk-based Governance of AI in First Joint Webinar Press Release
Technology Assessment: Towards People-led Governance of our Future Commentary The ETC group reviews the process of technology assessment (TA) – an inclusive corrective to policymaking on new and emerging technologies. It involves people’s informed views on long-term common good, to replace top-down and opaque decision-making processes by power players. By ETC Group
Disruptive Technologies: The Case of Indigenous Territories of Andhra Pradesh, India Article Sagari Ramdas shows how agribusiness use big tech and big data to fulfil their ‘sustainability goals’ from indigenous Adivasi farmers of Andhra Pradesh, India. It turns out to be a case of exploitation in the name of sustainability. By Sagari Ramdas
“We need to be careful what we optimize our AI systems for” Transatlantic Media Fellowship How do we preserve our humanity in a world of intelligent machines? AI researcher Mark Nitzberg on the need to build AI models that are safe for humans and make explainable decisions – and why standards and oversight are key. Our fellow Ekaterina Venkina interviewed the Executive Director at the Center for Human-Compatible AI at UC Berkeley (CHAI) for RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland (RND).
Greed meets green: High-tech elites’ ecomodern ambitions for Asia Pacific Article A range of new and disruptive technologies threatens potentially irreversible damage to our planet. The ETC Group discusses technologies and the imagined futures that underpin them. By ETC Group
The EU's Artificial Intelligence Act: Should some applications of AI be beyond the pale? Article The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act aims to regulate emerging applications of AI in accordance with “EU values”. But for the most concerning of all such potential applications, the line between regulation and prohibition can be a tricky one to draw. By Alexandre Erler
Not to be taken lightly: Image-based sexual violence Interview 25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. The hbs has interviewed Jacey Kan from Hong Kong’s Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women (ACSVAW) to introduce its campaign in fighting against image-based sexual violence. By Jacey Kan