
Green Hydrogen: Key success criteria for sustainable trade & production

A Synthesis based on Consultations in Africa & Latin America

While green hydrogen is vastly preferable to fossil fuels, it still needs resources: different natural materials, land, and water. It is therefore not the silver-bullet, as some voices are advocating it. But the potential opportunities for economic development and wellbeing in both consumer and producer countries are too big to set aside, especially given the urgent global need to decarbonise. We need to seize the opportunity and shape the emerging green hydrogen trade now, in its infancy.

Based on national consultations in seven African and Latin American countries, this report examines the benefits and risks for local communities and the envisaged exporting countries located in the Global South. Taking these into account, it outlines international policy recommendations for how a human-rights based, equitable, just, and environmentally sound trade should work.

>>This publication is part of our dossier Green Hydrogen - sustainable investment and fair trade

You can find and download a summary of this report here

Product details
Date of Publication
November 2022
Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Brot für die Welt
Number of Pages
Language of publication