Coal Atlas (Korean)

"We have borrowed the Earth from our children.” This early environmental movement slogan uses simple words to express a central tenet of responsible, forward-looking policies: we must preserve the basis for the livelihood of future generations. We must leave a better world to our children than the one that we inherited.

Today, this principle compels us to do everything in our power to stop climate change and the damage it is causing. This means that by the middle of the century, we will have to decarbonize our economy and society. A milestone on this road is the phasing out of coal-burning. That is a huge challenge: coal was, and still is, the fuel of industrialization and global economic growth. Switching to renewable energy and a more efficient economy requires nothing less than a worldwide energy revolution.

Our Coal Atlas contains the latest facts and figures on the use of coal and its environmental and social consequences. With more than 60 detailed graphics, the atlas illustrates the coal industry’s impact on nature, health, labour, human rights and politics. This Korean translation is based on the 2017 2nd edition of the German version and 2017 English version of the Coal Atlas.

To order a hard copy and for more information, please visit our publication partner Small is Beautiful: (link:

Product details
Small Is Beautiful, Heinrich Boell Stiftung
Number of Pages
Language of publication