"Billards at Half-Past Nine," "Group Portrait with Lady," "The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum" and more. Find information here on some of Heinrich Böll's work.

Heinrich Böll won the 1972 Nobel Prize in Literature "for his writing which through its combination of a broad perspective on his time and a sensitive skill in characterization has contributed to a renewal of German literature." His work has been translated into more than 30 languages, and he remains one of Germany's most widely read authors. His best-known works are:
His other works in English include:
Adam Where Art Thou
The Train Was on Time
Traveller, If You Come to Spa ...
Acquainted with the Night: a Novel
The Unguarded House
Absent without Leave: Two Novellas
18 Stories
Absent without Leave and Other Stories
End of a Mission
Irish Journal
Adam and The Train: Two Novels
Children Are Civilians, Too
Missing Persons and Other Essays
And Never Said a Word
The Safety Net
What's to Become of the Boy? or, Something to Do with Books
A Soldier's Legacy
The Casualty
Heinrich Boll, on His Death: Selected Obituaries and the Last Interview.
Women in a River Landscape: A Novel in Dialogues and Soliloquies
The Short Stories of Heinrich Böll
The Silent Angel
Missing Persons and Other Essays
The Mad Dog: Stories